Washington energy carbon advancement network
Funded in part through a Contract with the U.S. Small Business Administration
WECAN, Washington Energy: Carbon Advancement Network, is led by the CleanTech Alliance and Momentum – each are experienced providers of entrepreneur education and support, and passionate about the clean technology sector.
WECAN will serve Washington state and engage regional partners to strengthen the carbon capture, utilization, sequestration, and carbon materials ecosystem.
WECAN will provide small business support services including:
Additional projects will include a Carbon Purchaser’s Alliance, growing an Industry Advisory Board, and collaboration on Joint Innovation Projects.
We Do

WECAN is designed to be useful at all business stages. The program helps small businesses and startups begin their process while also assisting established businesses with finding buyers and scaling up production. If you are a business focused on CCUS, this is a program for you!
Who should become a member
emerging: a carbon economy
Climate change is an international issue, not restricted by borders, and decarbonization is seen as one of the best solutions to slowing down and stopping the effects of global warming. COP26 Climate Meeting saw nations acknowledge that a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 provided the best chance to decarbonize the global economy by 2050. In addition to country specific mandates and commitments, customers are pushing businesses to decarbonize their manufacturing and building practices.
The CCUS sector is in its early stages of development. Technologies are maturing out of the lab and the marketplace for carbon sequestration is forming—both in voluntary and compliance markets. Currently, the process of carbon capture is expensive due to significant deployment and energy costs. There is a strong push for countries and corporations to work together on an effective collaborative model, to attract investments making the scaling-up and deployment of CCUS a viable effort.
Our cluster is designed specifically to accelerate the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, CCUS, market —starting today and looking forward through 2030.
Get involved
Get to Know US
Attend an intro webinar to learn how to get involved, meet our project team, hear from an entrepreneur working in the sector, and learn about innovation already occurring in Washington state.
Get to konw us
Attend an intro webinar to learn how to get involved, meet our project team, hear from an entrepreneur working in the sector, and learn about innovation already occurring in Washington state.
get involved
Fill out our survey to help plan programs
Watch this space for information
We are excited to work with you to grow the sector!